Welcome “A Very Jewish Summer”, a weeklong blogging event celebrating Jewish traditions, with a summer flair! We’re excited to kick off this event with a post related to celebrating Shabbat with young children in the home.
The idea for this post began a few weeks ago when we baked some dinosaur cookies for a birthday party for a four year old that goes to the temple preschool with Elaine’s youngest.
Now, usually when we bake – we chat, we kibitz, we kvell and commiserate – and as we made these adorable prehistoric treats, we thought about that “Dinosaur Shabbat Song” … the one with an origin so difficult to find … the one Shabbat song that most preschoolers learn, with it’s catchy tune and lyrics (and impossible correlation to Shabbat)!
So as we decorated these tasty treats we talked about our Shabbat traditions, our joy in celebrating the week on Friday evenings, whether it be at home or the Family Service at our temple … we also joked around about putting kippot on a couple of these guys for this post!

If you’re not familiar with the song, we’ve posted the lyrics below and a link to Linda Arnold’s cover of the song, “There’s a Dinosaur Knocking”, where you can listen to a sample for free!
There’s a dinosaur
Knockin’ at my door
Knockin’ 1-2-3
There’s a dinosaur
Knockin’ at my door and he wants to spend
Shabbat with me
Well, he wants to light the candles
He wants to drink the wine
And he wants to eat the Challah
‘Cause it always tastes so fine
To listen to a sample of the song click here.
How do you celebrate Shabbat and make it fun and relaxing for your children? We’d love to hear from you, so please don’t be a stranger and make sure to check out the amazing posts by our amazing co-bloggers starting tomorrow with our new friend Dena’s post at Chai and Home, http://www.chaiandhome.com/!
A Very Jewish Summer
Yenta Mamas is proud to participate in the first inaugural A Very Jewish Summer! Five bloggers from the United States and Israel are getting together to present stylish and clever ideas to inspire your summer. Each day from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21 a new post will be published by one of the bloggers on the topic of summertime, Jewish crafts, kosher food, and entertaining style. The blog roster features the leading emerging Jewish blogs today.
This year’s roster includes:
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