When asked to bake something for a bridal shower, our minds went to our experiences of choosing that perfect wedding gown, similarly, with our mini wedding gown replicas, the bride-to-be might have a hard time choosing just one special treat.
Here’s a little tutorial on how we do it!
1. Bake a great sugar cookie! Mix up some royal icing that is loose enough to pipe and flood! We are finding that I like using a loose piping because we like not seeing the piped edge. Royal icing is definitely an art….it is never the same…even though we think we are doing the same thing we always do.
2. Outline the cookie and let the icing set for a few minutes. We like to use a #2 tip.
2. Fill the cookie with the icing. Then use a toothpick to fill in the all the holes and pop any air bubbles.
3. Let them dry for at least 5-8 hours. We usually let them dry overnight before I move on to decorating the details. We love a white cookie…so crisp and clean!
4. For the detailed piping, I use a stiffer royal icing in white. We like to use the #1 tip for the details. If you are using sanding sugar, be sure to do only those sections before you pipe other details. The sugar will stick to any wet icing! We couldn’t decide on one design, so all the dresses were different. This our favorite part of making cookies:)