It’s high school graduation time and you know your getting older when your friends have kids graduating from high school! We wanted to celebrate high school graduation with cookies that recognized their accomplishments and most importantly…getting into a good college. We made message cookies, graduation caps, confetti, stars, and even some logos paying tribute to their future alma maters. Here’s a peak at the fun!
First, for a Carlsbad High grad going to UCLA to play water polo! We love the UCLA colors. First time we made water polo balls.
Next up….the Wildcats. This message was “Now You’re A Wildcat.” Wishing Carly good luck at the University of Arizona.
Of course, we had to make some cookies for her mom too!
Another grad on the east coast is headed to Endicott College in MA. These were some fun logo cookies. I thought this was a pretty awesome looking platter! The sea gull mascot was fun to do. The message for these cookies was “Watch Out Endicott”.
Wishing all the high school graduates the best of luck in college! Congrats on getting into some great schools.