Art projects make wonderful gifts, especially for family … and even more especially so for great grandmothers! And of course, when kids’ art projects come to mind, Elaine and I would tell you, we automatically check on our favorite ‘art for kids’ blog, Deep Space Sparkle ( If ever you need to find that perfect art lesson, complete with how-to instructions and photos, this lovely blog is the place to head.
For this particular gift, I was looking for something personal, but light in weight (as I planned to send the finished product to their great grandmother who lives in Israel). After some checking about with the girls, we decided on Emotion Portraits (link here: We read through the lesson together and did a Google Image search for “color wheels”, talked about our feelings as they related to colors, where our discussion alone was simply wonderful. From there we followed the lesson, taking from it the information we needed. All in all, this was a wonderful project for the girls, aged 7 and 6 and took about an hour or so of time from start to finish. We loved the results and felt so good when Safta Yona received her special gift.
My older daughter decided she felt “peaceful” and drew herself at the age of 12, with earrings and bangs (two stylings she’s been interested in lately), along with blue eyes, to her brown, which was something she found funny later. My younger daughter was decidedly “happy”, she used her favorite color to convey her mood, complete with “swirls of happiness” surrounding her portrait. –April